Publication •  5/19/2024

Seed treatment has potential for a positive effect on the stress tolerance of cereals

Written By: : István Rácz 
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Recent years of drought and rising average temperatures have a major impact on agricultural production and Hungarian farmers need solutions to mitigate the stresses on crops caused by climate change. With the increased autumn-sown areas of cereals and the rise in environmental stress factors, farmers aim to make the most of their crops and maintain the profitability of their farms, that can be ensured  by providing seeds with appropriate protection.

According to data from the Central Statistical Office, the harvested area of winter-sown cereals (wheat, barley, rye) increased by 12% in 2023 compared to the previous year. This is thanks to the fact that many farmers, after drought years, have chosen to rely on cereals in 2022, which are relatively easy and cost-effective to grow domestically. To remain competitive, farmers need efficient solutions that protect their crops from the moment they are sown, so that they can produce the highest possible yields.


The aim of seed treatment is to establish early optimal plant development by minimising the negative effects of factors that adversely affect growth, such as water deficit or sudden temperature changes and long-term drought, for which the use of stress-reducing biostimulants can be an effective solution. These products help plants manage environmental stress and trigger natural processes in plants and their biosphere that can complement existing farming practices to produce healthy, sustainable crops while protecting the environment. Plants treated at an early stage will thus suffer less during periods of stress and, as conditions improve, will start to regrow more quickly, which is particularly important in this year's warm weather. In this way, farmers can get the most out of their crops and maintain the profitability of their farm.

Corteva Agriscience, a global research and development agriculture company, is working on sustainable solutions that protect farmers' investments at this early stage. The company's biostimulants Ympact® seed treatment fertilizer for cereal seeds was launched in 2021. In addition to organic nutrients (humic and fulvic acids), the biostimulant contains high concentrations of macro- and micro-nutrient chelates (manganese, copper, zinc). The nutrient composition and the new nutrient delivery mechanism are designed to have an overall positive effect on plant physiology. This naturally mitigates the adverse effects of abiotic stress and improves yield and its quality, especially under less favourable conditions. Thanks to Ympact® seed applied technology, the initial development of the plants is faster, the metabolism is more efficient and the yield is also improved.


Corteva is continuously measuring the effectiveness of its crop protection solutions in its field trials, including the positive effect of Ympact® in winter wheat fields. In a trial in 2022 in Nádudvar, this effect was already observed, in the intensity of emergence. In the area treated with Ympact®, germination was 6 percent better. Here, measurements showed that the root length of plants from the area treated with the product was 10% better and the plant weight 30% better compared to the untreated area. The number of shoots per plant at the onset of tillering was 30% better with Ympact®. In another Corteva trial in Csárdaszállás, also conducted in 2022, plants from the Ympact®-treated area showed a 10% improvement in root length, a 2% improvement in shoot length and a 23% improvement in plant weight compared to untreated. The number of shoots per plant at the onset of tillering was 11% better with Ympact®.